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not sure which level to enter? Check here...

When entering NZAPP please consider your entry category carefully. Entrants are expected to be honest about their own ability and enter the appropriate category. This year the judging criteria will score more for creativity, entertainment and musicality over big tricks. Take a look at the judging criteria here.


If you are unsure of what to enter please email the organisers and we will help you out

the beginner

Someone who can not invert and is only comfortable at the level of spins and transitions. They should really only just be able to climb to the top of a pole and not yet strong enough to invert.


They will be judged on costume, spins and dance. THE MORE OUTRAGEOUS THE BETTER THE MARK. 

Make this a fun routine with lots of transitions and spins. This level is all about the performance.


Judging will be on: Costume, Theme, Fluidity, Spin Smoothness, Dance Routine, Crowd interaction, Fun Factor, Flow and Transitions.

Download the Moves Guideline for illegal moves


Time limit: Between 2.30mins – 3mins. 
the intermediate

Students who can invert and do the basics of inverting such as leg hangs and thigh holds. They may be able to Butterfly or basic shoulder mount but this would probably be the max of their level. If they can comfortably transition between invert moves or transition into or out of Extended Butterfly, they are probably above this level.

You will be marked on: Trick smoothness, fluidity, proficiency ( no point in doing a trick if it ’s not perfect ) Dance, Fun factor, Ability to transition the moves. Difficulty of moves is not going to get you a high mark in this level.


Download the Moves Guideline for illegal moves


Time limit: Between 3mins – 3.30mins 
the expert


Anything Goes! If you are able to confidently link inverted moves together and can do moves at the level of Aysha, handsprings, jade, aerial inverts, this level is for you.


This section will be marked on fun factor, Fluidity, overall tricks and dance transitions. You will be marked on everything you do...


Time limit: Between 3.30mins – 4mins 
the open


Again, anything goes. This section is for anyone who, in the last two years, has instructed a pole specific class more than one hour a week, been paid to perform pole or competed in (but not won) a professional competition as a solo competitor. This is your chance to show off what you can do and how well you can do it. 

There is more emphasis on doing things cleanly and properly in the Open level, than there is on the difficulty of the tricks performed. In this level we expect all tricks to be performed to a high standard, and shown off in a smooth, well constructed routine.


This section will be marked on fun factor, Fluidity, overall tricks and dance transitions. You will be marked on everything you do... This level is not about difficulty, it is about performance.

Time limit: Between 3.30mins – 4mins 
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